Girls on Fire is passionate about developing school programs that inspire and empower young people as they explore what life might look like after school. Our inclusive programs provide new and captivating avenues for fostering self-assurance, pushing boundaries, and embracing potential.
Girls on Fire school programs are for all independent and private secondary schools looking to share fire and rescue concepts and learning experiences with students.
We deliver both in-person single day camps as well as a variety of virtual classes.
Students come together to experience emergency service education and training via a mix of presentations from facilitators, individual and class activities, and disaster and emergency simulations. These single day camps involve physical activity, teamwork and a focus on providing a snapshot of the day in the life of emergency services.
Single day camps are available to schools and regions by request. Please contact us to find out more.
Students can tune into specific classes for the purpose of understanding career options after school, ways to volunteer in the community, and/or as a way of increasing their community’s preparedness against fire, emergency and disaster scenarios.
We can bring Girls on Fire to your classroom, auditorium or career’s day with a few simple clicks.
For an example of our previous school’s programs, check out this virtual girls fire training program created specifically for the Regional Industry Education Partnerships (RIEP).
We design our school programs and customise both the single day camps and the virtual classes and programs to suit your school’s needs.
We’re also happy to work with you to design school programs with other focusses in mind.
Our presenters and facilitators are chosen because of their experience in the emergency services. Many of whom come from extensive education, curriculum development and training delivery backgrounds. Each member of the Girls on Fire team has undergone a Working with Children check, a police check and extensive reference check.
Please note: Current in-person camps are for New South Wales schools only. We’re working with New South Wales based schools with a view to expand our reach to other states by 2024. Please get in touch to discuss your school’s needs.
We’re currently planning our roster of in-person and virtual Schools Program offerings. Stay tuned for details.